About the Stability Score

Reducing the number and duration of spikes and keeping a more stable glucose line throughout your day are short-term daily targets that compound into meaningful progress toward long-term metabolic health goals, including increased energy, longevity, and weight management.

How does the Stability Score work?

The Stability Score provides a quick overview of how stable your glucose levels were on a given day and allows you to track the trend of your stability day over day. It is represented on a scale of 60 to 100, you can think of this like a letter grade, where a higher score indicates more stable glucose levels. The score is influenced by the duration of stable glucose periods with fewer spikes. Levels' spike algorithm continuously monitors and detects significant glucose excursions in real time, prompting you to take action to mitigate spikes and observe how your glucose responds.

What range should I aim for with the Stability Score?

Aim to score 85 or higher on most days, but remember it's about progress, not perfection. Scores above 90 are considered above average.

What factors influence my Stability Score?

Your Stability Score increases as your glucose remains stable with fewer spikes throughout the day. Conversely, experiencing glucose spikes will lower your Stability Score. However, if you manage to regain glucose stability during the day, your score will recover.

What is Std. Deviation (Variability) and how is it measured?

Std. Deviation or Variability refers to the fluctuations in your glucose levels throughout the day. Lower variability indicates a more stable and controlled metabolism. It is measured by calculating how much your glucose varies from your average reading in mg/dL. A stable day with fewer fluctuations results in lower variability, while more significant fluctuations lead to higher variability.

What is the optimal amount of Variability?

For individuals without obesity or diabetes, a normal average magnitude of glucose excursions (the difference between high and low points) falls between 26-28 mg/dL. To maintain lower variability, it is recommended not to exceed a 30 mg/dL rise from your pre-meal glucose levels, with a post-meal value not exceeding 110 mg/dL.

Do glucose spikes from exercise affect my Stability Score?

No, glucose spikes resulting from exercise don't impact your Stability Score if they are marked as strenuous exercise.

How are glucose spikes calculated?

Spikes are registered when your glucose exceeds 109 mg/dL and the difference between the start of your spike and the peak of your spike is +30 mg/dL. 

What is my baseline glucose?

Your baseline glucose is personalized to your data and is calculated based on your previous four hours of glucose readings. Levels uses this baseline to detect periods of stability. 

How can I view my trends over time?

Within the Today tab, you can find trends of your average glucose and spike counts. Tap the calendar icon at the top of your screen to check the previous stability scores or swipe between days using your finger. Tap on "See all metrics" to access more information about the metrics and their corresponding time periods. 

By tracking these key data points separately, you can gain valuable insights into how your food choices, exercise, sleep, and other behaviors impact your glucose levels.

If you have any questions or feedback, you can reach out to support@levelshealth.com.

Further Reading:

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