FAQ: Can I add sleep data to the Levels app?
Can I add sleep data to the Levels app?
If you have a wearable device that tracks sleep: Yes, if you have a wearable device that tracks sleep and imports data to Apple Health or Google Health the sleep data can be imported directly from Apple Health or Google Fit to the Levels app. How to Import from Apple Health or Google Fit
If you don't have a wearable device that tracks sleep, try the following:
Android users:
- Open the Google Fit app
- Tap Browse at the bottom of the screen
- Tap Sleep
- Click the + sign in the top right corner
- Input your Got in bed time and Woke up time
- Tap Save
iPhone users:
- Open the Apple Health app
- Tap Browse at the bottom right
- Then tap Sleep.
- Scroll down to Your Schedule, then tap Full Schedule & Options.
- Tap Set Your First Schedule, then select your options:
- Tap Add.
Adding this feature will allow sleep data to import to the Levels app. Essentially, anytime you aren't on your phone during that time, this designated sleep schedule will count as 'time asleep' and be imported to your Levels app.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at support@levelshealth.com.