
Feature: Insights

💡 Overview:  Insights empower members to unlock personalized insights when they consistently track their habits in the app. This will highlight trends and patterns from their habits to provide personalized guidance, motivation and improved metabolic health. 

📅 Release Date: May 2024

How does Insights work?
  1. You will receive a notification in the My Data tab when your insights are available.
  2. Insights will show up in 2 places. At the top of the My Data tab as well as within each habit section. 
  3. By clicking on each habit, you can see specific insights for that particular habit. The more consistently you track your habits, the more helpful your insights will be!
  4. You will find a variety of charts, such as curves, distributions, and weekly charts, for each specific insight.

What type of insights do Levels provide?
Currently, there are two types of insights that Levels will provide:
  1. Level 1 insights - These will provide a weekly summary of your achievements based on your selected habits and a comparison to the previous week's data. Some examples might:
    • Last week you hit your protein goal on 4 days, 1 less day than the week before
    • Last week you hit your weekly goal of 5 strenuous workouts, the same as the week before
  2. Level 2 insights - These will help you identify the most and least effective times or days for your habits. Additionally, we will calculate correlations between your different habits, allowing you to identify patterns based on these correlations. Some examples might be:
    • You tend to get more fiber between the hours of 7am - 10am
    • On days that you have a strenuous workout, you tend to sleep longer

🚧 Coming Soon: Even more personalized insights related to your metabolic health data.

Further Reading

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