FAQ: What can I do if I don't see my logs in the Levels app?
What can I do if I don't see my logs in the Levels app?
If you have created logs on a particular day and are unable to see them in your graphic or timeline, you can use the "Clear Offline Data" feature, by following the instructions listed here.
If the issue persists after this, there might be an issue if an activity log was created with a long duration by mistake. To remove this log(s), follow the steps below:
1 - Tap on "My Data";
2 - Tap exactly on the link "Search all exercise logs" (don't tap on the blue "Exercise" card - you'd go to a different page);
3 - Scroll the page and tap on any exercise logs created on the day (or days) you're missing your logs;
4 - Take a note of the log so you can add the information again later - then, tap on the 3-dot icon;
5 - Select "delete log", to remove it; 6 - Force-close and reopen the Levels app. Pull down the Today Page to refresh your Levels app data and check if you can see the previously missing logs (if any, besides the ones just deleted). If the issue persists, repeat steps 1 - 5 to delete other logs that might still be there.
7 - You can then recreate the activity logs for that day(s), by tapping on the date/time icon;
8 - Then adjust, making sure to set up the start and end times for the same day;
9 - Tap "Update".
When the start and end times are set for different days, this generates an issue in the app, since it's not common for exercise activities to last that long. If you're logging a fasting event, or other long-period activity that starts in one day and ends on another, create a note instead.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at support@levelshealth.com.