What if I have issues signing up for Season Health or with my appointment?
What if I have issues signing up for Season or with my appointment?
🛑✋ Please Note: This feature is only available to Levels members in select states at this time. You can view the list of eligible states here. Stay tuned for additional updates soon on the availability of this feature for Levels members nationwide!
If you experience any issues with signing up for a Season appointment or before and after the appointment itself, please contact our support team through the Levels app or via email at support@levels.com. We’re here to help!
To contact the support team through the Levels app, follow these steps:
- Open your Levels app
- Select Settings with the person icon in the upper left-hand corner of the Levels app
- Select Help with the question mark icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
- Select Ask with the dialogue icon at the top of the screen
- Type your question and send it. A support team member will get back to you as soon as they can!
Note ⚠️ If you have billing questions, please contact the Season team directly at support@seaonhealth.com.