How do I screen share data with my dietitian during an appointment?


How do I screen share data with my dietitian during an appointment?

🛑✋ Please Note: This feature is only available to Levels members in select states at this time. You can view the list of eligible states here. Stay tuned for additional updates soon on the availability of this feature for Levels members nationwide!


  • When you sign up for Season through the Levels app, you will need to consent to share your Levels data with your dietitian. Once you provide your consent, your data will automatically be shared with your dietitian through your member dashboard. 
  • This means that typically, you won't need to screen share your Levels data with your dietitian, because they'll already have access to it before your appointment. 
    • 🛑 Important: You must initiate the sign-up process directly through the Level app for your Levels data to be automatically shared with your Season Health dietitian. 
  • However, if for any reason your dietitian cannot see your data or the automatic data sharing process did not happen, you can screen share your Levels data during your appointment with your dietitian as a solution. If this is the case, please follow the steps below to screen share your Levels data with your Season dietitian: 

Steps to manually screen share your Levels data with your Season dietitian: 

  • Log into the Levels data dashboard with your Levels account credentials. The dashboard will look like this when you are logged in:

  • Share your desktop or mobile screen with your provider through the telehealth platform. Note: Your provide may need to grant you access to share your screen

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