How to turn on/off the auto-renewal of your Levels Membership


Here's how to turn on/off the auto-renewal of your Levels membership. 

How to turn off the auto-renewal of your Levels Membership

  1. Log into your Levels member portal here.
  2. Click Account button on the upper right-hand side of screen
  3. In the Membership section, you will see whether or not your Levels membership is currently active / expired. 
    1. If your membership is active, you will see if it's set auto-renew at the end of your current membership. To adjust auto-renewal settings, click the Enable/Disable auto-renew button.
    2. If your membership is expired, you will have the option to renew your membership there. Once your membership is renewed, follow steps 1 & 2 above to confirm your auto-renewal settings.

Further reading:

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