How to renew your Levels annual membership if it's expired


This article shows you how to renew your Levels membership if it's expired.

How to renew your Levels membership if it's expired

  1. Log into your Levels member portal here.
  2. Click Account button on the upper right-hand side of screen
  3. In the Membership section, you will see whether or not your Levels membership is currently active / expired. 
    1. If your membership is expired, you will have the option to renew your membership there. Once your membership is renewed, follow steps 1 & 2 above to confirm your auto-renewal settings.
    2. If your membership is active, you will see if it's set auto-renew at the end of your annual membership. To adjust auto-renewal settings, click the Enable/Disable Auto-Renew button.

Further reading:

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