How To Connect Dexcom Stelo to Levels


How do I connect the Dexcom Stelo to Levels?


Levels offers the ability to bring your own Dexcom Stelo sensors. With this option, members will be able to sync their glucose data from the Dexcom Stelo app to Levels via Apple Health. ⚠️ Please note: This option has a 3-hour data delay from the Dexcom Stelo app to the Levels app and is only available for iPhone devices.

To connect your Dexcom Stelo to Levels via Apple Health, please follow the steps below:

1. Open the Levels app
2. Tap the Devices icon in the top right of the Today page
3. Click Manage and then Choose Sensor Type
4. Select Dexcom Stelo → Apple Health *Please note: This option does not exist for Android users at this time because the Stelo app does not connect with Google Fit. 

5. Next, go back to the Today screen. If you haven't already given permission to connect your Levels app to Apple Health, you should be prompted to do so. If you do not see the prompt, please click on the Profile icon at the top left, scroll down to Settings, and tap the Connect button next to Apple Health (more information here).

6. Once your Levels app is successfully connected to Apple Health, head over to the Dexcom Stelo app.
7. Go to Settings and select Connections
8. Select Apple Health and you’ll be prompted to open your iPhone settings.

9. Go to your iPhone settings and select Health.
10. Tap Browse → Other Data → Blood Glucose.
11. Select Data Sources & Access.
12. Select Dexcom Stelo.

13.  Toggle ON Blood Glucose to allow the Dexcom Stelo to write data to the Levels app
14. Once complete, glucose data will begin streaming from Dexcom Stelo to Apple Health every 3 hours and then Levels will retrieve the data once it's available in Apple Health. Please note: The delay is a result of the timing sync between the Dexcom Stelo app and Apple Health. Apple Health receives glucose data from Dexcom every 3 hours and Levels is unable to retrieve the data until Apple Health has it.

If you encounter any issues setting up your Dexcom <> Levels connectivity, email us at

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