FAQ: Can I Share My CGM Data with My Doctor?
Can I Share My CGM Data with My Doctor?
Yes! The real-time data gleaned over time in the Levels app can be helpful for your doctor, registered dietitian, or other provider. And it can be helpful for you. Logging your food and tracking your glucose data, along with getting labs done, can provide an overall picture of your metabolic health to both you and your care team.
Yes! The real-time data gleaned over time in the Levels app can be helpful for your doctor, registered dietitian, or other provider. And it can be helpful for you. Logging your food and tracking your glucose data, along with getting labs done, can provide an overall picture of your metabolic health to both you and your care team.
A great way to share your data is through our Levels Dashboard, where you can now view your Levels data in a larger format on your desktop through a web browser!
You can access the dashboard through the member portal and via this link: https://app.levelshealth.com/dashboard. 💫
Further Reading: